
Bambusa multiplex “Golden Goddess” for Gauteng

Original price was: R410.00.Current price is: R369.00.

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Species: Bambusa multiplex ‘Golden Goddess”, Hedge bamboo, Chinese dwarf bamboo

Clumper or Runner:  Clumper

Height / diameter / Internode: 2 to 5 m / 1 – 2 cm / 30 – 50 cm

Color / Leaf length / Branch: Yellow stemmed / 7 – 12 cm / 20 or more each node

Potted/Garden/Commercial:  Potted / Garden / Commercial

Minimum Temperatures / Climate:  -12°C / Tropical wet to dry

Water needed yearly / Altitude / soil / pH :  Up to 2 000 mm / 0 – 1 500 m / varies / pH 6.0 -7.0

Uses:  Hedges, and wind breakers. Ornamental and pot plant. The strong mostly solid culms are used when young for cane woven basket making.

Additional information

Select the size of Bamboo you wish to buy

10L bag & 2-2,5m in height


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