Bambusa blumeana plugs


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Plugs available 

540 plugs(minimum order) = 1 x  box = +/-1 Hectare of bamboo plants

Plugs are cultured from tissue culturing and not from seeds. This allows us to get the best genetic material with the best selected characteristics.

Thus all the plants will be the same, and not different when you use seeds. The plugs are +/- 30cm tall and will require to be replanted into 2,5 liter bags filled with, preferably river sand and added Bio ganic(Pure natural organic fertilization based on mature chicken manure) to the soil mixture. Each plant needs at least 150 – 200ml of sprayed water every 2-3 days to keep them moist. The roots can take up to 10 months to strengthen, before it can be replanted into bigger bags or planted in a plantations.

Pros.: Using plugs helps the plant to adjust to the climate easier.  It is also more cost effective transport wise and you can be part of the nurturing of the bamboo in your own nursery.  It is ideal for Commercial Farming.

Cons.: Plugs must be replanted in 2,5 Liter bags, filled with a sand mixture with added Bio ganic or something similar and kept for up to 10 months in these planting bags before it can be replanted.  There might be a lead time of 3 – 6 months to prepare large quantities of plugs.

NB: Plugs will only be sold in boxes of 540 plants and not be sold separately to Nurseries or the public, except if we have a Nation wide promotion to promote other species. Our Supplier receives a yearly phytosanitary certificate verifying that all the agricultural products(bamboo plants and -plugs) have been inspected and are pest and disease free. This is for importing and exporting the bamboo plants and -plugs. In the more than 25
years this supplier supplied Africa, none of his products has been declined by customs. They are also inspected by the Department of agriculture, land reform & rural development on a yearly base.

Species: Bambusa blumeana / Spiny or Thorny Bamboo

Clumper or Runner:  Clumper

Height / diameter / Internode: up to 25 m / up to 20 cm / 25 – 60 cm

Color / Leaf length / Branch: Green / 15 cm / spine-like from all nodes

Potted/Garden/Commercial:  Garden or Commercial

Minimum Temperatures / Climate: 8°C – 37°C / Tropical humid

Water needed yearly / Altitude / soil / pH :  600 – 5 000 mm / 0 – 600 m, prefer heavy texture soil / pH 6.0 – 7.5

Uses:  Young edible shoots, leaves for fodder, building material, mats, baskets, pulp, scaffolding, panels, windbreaker, furniture, suitable for biomass, charcoal and energy charcoal production.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Select how many boxes(540 plugs) you would like to buy:

540 plugs/box


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