
Bambusa multiplex “Alphonse Karr”

Original price was: R214.00.Current price is: R192.60.

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Species: Bambusa multiplex ‘Alphonse Karr”, Hedge bamboo, Chinese dwarf bamboo

Clumper or Runner:  Clumper

Height / diameter / Internode: 2.2 to 9 m / 1 – 2 cm / 30 – 50 cm

Color / Leaf length / Branch: Yellow with green stripe, pink when young / 7 – 12 cm / 20 or more each node

Potted/Garden/Commercial:  Potted / Garden / Commercial

Minimum Temperatures / Climate:  -10°C but it does not like periods of prolonged cold / Tropical wet till dry

Water needed yearly / Altitude / soil / pH :  Up to 2 000 mm / 0 – 1 500 m / varies / pH 6.0 -7.0

Uses:  Hedges and wind breakers. Ornamental and pot plant. The culms are often used as umbrella handles, fishing poles, handicrafts.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
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2.5L, 4L, 8L, 20L


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